ISO 9001:2015 Certified 
Certificate No.: 01 100 1734809

ParSU Extension: What we do

We had pursued and are pursuing various extension projects that address key development concerns in our service area consistent with our mission to achieve our vision and objectives. These projects and programs cover a wide range of timely and relevant thematic areas ranging from capacity development, food security promotion, livelihood and enterprise development, poverty reduction, literacy, community health and nutrition, resource governance disaster risk reduction and management, gender and development, environmental protection.

Capacity Development

Capacity Development is defined as the ability of people, organizations and society as a whole to manage their affairs successfully. Its development is understood as the process whereby people, organizations and society as a whole unleash, strengthen, create, adapt and maintain capacity over time.

1. Skills Development/ Training

This is the offering of short-term vocational and technical courses for OSY and adults to acquire skills for livelihood and product marketing and make them self-sufficient and productive. This also includes planning and implementing training programs directed to various clienteles, such as barangay residents, farmers, fishermen, unemployed, out-of-school youth, women, local administrators and change agents of development agencies.

The training programs are either conducted in the community or in the university campus depending on the target clientele (campus and/or barangay-based).

1. IEC – Information Education Communication (Information Packaging)

This includes packaging of extension information, preparation and production of extension publications and materials. The university produces a number of completed studies or researches which are in technical form but unless these are translated into the language understandable to laymen they would remain in the shelves of libraries. Thus, the extension program focuses on the utilization of the research findings and technologies using print, broadcast and audio-visual media translated to vernacular.

2. Consultancy and Technical Services

The University extends free consultancy and technical services based on the field of expertise of the faculty extensionists requested by the community.

3. Support Services

In this area, the rich intellectual manpower of PSU is shared with various development agencies both local and regional. A number of university professors serves as lecturers or resource persons and in local, regional and national seminars or workshops. Still some serve as advisers, consultants, evaluators or technical staff of development projects in government, as well as in private agencies. Some are chairmen or members of special committees outside PSU.

4. Special Projects

Special projects refer to projects with external funding. External agencies adopt specific monitoring and evaluation scheme that would cater to their needs. These projects are also subjected to the university policies and guidelines.


Transparency Seal

FOI Seal

Freedom of Information

Bagong Pilipinas Seal

Bagong Pilipinas